Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fruit and Jam

I just delivered this painting to the good people who commissioned it. The commission is for 3 paintings, all to be placed above doors in their kitchen. Look for the next two in the series on the blog soon.

It was so pleasant to see their delight at how the painting turned out. We planned it together, sitting in their garden, eating melon, while the apples ripened nearby and raspberries grew alongside the house.

When I came to collect some props, though, a moose had eaten all the apples still on the tree! Luckily, some were picked before the moose arrived, and I gathered leaves off the tree, so I had what I needed. They had just finished their jam making for the year, so that was handy. These raspberries actually came off my bushes, where I had a small crop still hanging on as the weather cooled.

Thanks guys, for giving me the opportunity to do this painting, it was fun! I have been holding off taking commissions, but am available to discuss commissions as of now.
Oil on panel, 8" x 14"



Linda Hill said...

Oh my gosh! This is so beautiful. I love your "realistic" technique. I have also been enjoying your Plen Aire paintings and the working with color. You should do more commissioned work!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Linda, I hope more commissions will come my way! This was an interesting project because the paintings are all going to be up high and not in bright light. I am trying to keep the shapes simple, direct, and relatively bright. Over the door is a great place for a kitchen painting, I think.

Unknown said...

It's beautiful! So doing a commissioned piece was a good experience? That's helpful to know! I've been holding off on accepting requests because I'm afraid I will feel too pressured. It sounds like fun to go talk to the buyer and plan the painting together. It came out beautifully too! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Thanks Katherine! I encourage you to try some commissions. I think if you are willing to keep the buyer posted on your progress, you will feel encouraged. Remember, not everyone can do what you do, so go ahead and show what you can do! I also tell buyers they can decide against buying the work when it is finished, if they are less than satisfied, so everyone feels safe. But since the buyer already knows and likes your work, very few will refuse at the end.