This is the second demonstration painting from my appearance at the Fireweed Gallery in Homer. I love these little guys, they are so colorful, and useful too!
I usually bring a selection of small, colorful objects for my painting demos. This is the first of two paintings from the Fireweed Gallery demo 2 weekends ago. I lived in Finland as a child, and have great fondness for these little horses! Every home seemed to have at least one.
Many thanks to K. Ward who took this photo of me, in the drizzle, in Turnagain Pass! On July 18 I headed back to Homer to do a painting demo at Fireweed Gallery, and stopped along the way for this quick plein air. The mist was descending quickly, as you can see in the painting. Thank goodness for good rain gear!
The last of my June Homer paintings. The supervisor of the Coast Guard bouy tender, at anchor nearby, was kind enough to allow me onto the storage yard to paint. Later, two crewmembers came to check on my progress, and took the photo. I had been out there in the wind for some time, and was chilled, but happy. To purchase, contact me at $285 plus shipping, unframed
Once again, I visited my friend Cam's outdoor collection. He tells me this is called a Bug Eye Sprite, or sometimes a Frog Eye Sprite. In any case, it's a racer and it still runs great. Just now, however, the wildflowers are gaining on it. To purchase, contact me at
6" x 8" oil on linen panel Framed, $175 plus shipping
All over Anchorage, the lilacs were blooming like crazy in early July. Once cut, they don't last long, so a painting preserves the moment. With this piece I am also paying my respects to Henri Fantin Latour, the French 19th c painter of superb florals. I follow his lead, but at a distance! Available at Fireweed Gallery
A bit inland from the coast, I drove up into the ridges. A passing walker remarked that bears like to travel over these ridges too. Fortunately, the bears are more interested in fishing at this time of year!
11" x 14" oil on linen panel To purchase, contact me at $525 plus shipping, unframed
As I was leaving Homer, very early on Sunday, I stopped for a look back at the Homer Spit and Kachemak Bay. The sun was just slanting in under low clouds, a perfect Kenai Peninsula summer morning.
This was painted about 7 AM on the same morning as #1, just a little way further down the beach. By this time, the sun had really started to light up those mountains!
In the middle of June I went down to Homer to pay Fireweed Gallery a visit. This little sketch was done on the beach when only a few folks were out taking the morning air. At midsummer in Alaska, 6 AM is a perfect time to paint, before the dawn light turns to daylight. Available at Fireweed Gallery